Harold Sakata

Toshiyuki Harold Sakata , was an American Olympic weightlifter, professional wrestler, and film actor. He won a silver medal for the United States at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London in weightlifting. He was also an actor, with his most famous role as the villain Oddjob in the James Bond film Goldfinger.

Toshiyuki Sakata was born on July 1, 1920 in Holualoa, Hawaii. He moved to the United States mainland and began to go by the more Western name Harold. At the age of eighteen, he weighed only 113160lb at a height of 5160ft 8160in . Wanting to look as good as the other guys, he started lifting weights. He spent his early life training as a weightlifter and won a silver medal for the United States at the 1948 Summer Olympics in London, lifting a total of 410160kg in the lightheavyweight division. He also did a stint as a professional wrestler under the name Tosh Togo from the early 1950s until the early 1960s, becoming Canadian Tag Team Champion.

Source: Wikipedia